Mass Flow Meters
The Netech DigiFlow 2000 Mass Flow Meters are designed for industrial, laboratory and medical applications for the precision measurement of Mass flow rates of various gasses. This mass flow sensor is compact and powered by a rechargeable Li-Ion battery which provides 8 hours of continuous operation.
DigiFlow 2000 incorporates a graphics display and function keys, making it easy to use. This mass flow meter is ideal for various industrial and medical applications.
DigiFlow 2000 is available in 5 different ranges - 1 LPM, 5 LPM, 10 LPM, 15 LPM, 20 LPM.
DigiFlow 2000
DigiFlow 2000 is a microcontroller-based mass flow meter designed to measure mass flow of various gasses (Air, N2, O2, CO2, N2O, and Ar). This air and gas flow meter displays directly in Standard Cubic Centimeter per Minute (SCCM), Liter per minute (LPM) and Actual Cubic Feet per Minute (ACFM).
Highlight Features:
- Precision Mass Flow Meter for Medical and Industrial Measurement
- User Selectable gases (Air, N2, O2, CO2, N2O, and Ar)
- User Selectable Ranges (LPM, SCCM, ACFM)
- No Temperature or Pressure conversion needed.
DigiFlow 2000 models are calibrated using N2. Optional N2O calibration is available.
Available Models:
- 0-1 LPM - 1000 SCCM - N2)
- 0-05 LPM - 5000 SCCM -N2)
- 0-10 LPM - 10000 SCCM -N2)
- 0-15 LPM - 15000 SCCM -N2)
- 0-20LPM - (20000 SCCM -N2)
DigiFlow 2000
DigiFlow 2000 Digital Gas Flow Meter is a state of the art microcontroller-based mass flow meter des..